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    FICCI FRAMES Fast Track 2022 | Keynote Address: Hon’ble Ms. Justice Prathiba M. Singh

    • 28.09.2022
    • By Creative First

    Hon’ble Ms. Justice Prathiba M. Singh delivered an enriching keynote address to set the tone for Day 2 of FICCI FRAMES Fast Track 2022.

    Ms. Singh touched upon the current issues faced by various players in the industry on the subject of copyright. She stressed on the importance of the industry and government working together to develop robust protocols to ensure appropriate monetisation of copyright in the country.

    She referenced successful international models, like Office of International Intellectual Property Enforcement (IPE) in the US, or IPR (Intellectual Property Right) Border Enforcement – models that can be starting frameworks for policy locally as well.

    Ms. Singh also talked about how digital is a breeding ground for copyright infringement, domain misrepresentation and cyber crime. Challenges like these stress the need for an administrative committee, and a separate enforcement wing, to protect the rights of IP owners across creative fields.

    On a closing note, she highlighted the immense potential for the copyright industry that is waiting to be tapped if done in the right way.


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