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    Creative First associates with Ormax Media to disseminate their industry reports

    • 30.05.2020
    • By Creative First

    We are happy to announce our association with Ormax Media to share their reports with our community. With a constant focus on sharing insights related to the media and entertainment industry, we are thankful to Ormax Media to allow us permission to share their insights through reports on our website and social media platforms. To start with, we have shared three of their most recent reports on our website:


    1. Nine Types of OTT audience in India

    2. Box Office Report 2019

    3. Back To The Theatre


    Ormax Media was founded in  2008 by Vispy Doctor and Shailesh Kapoor as India’s first specialised media consulting firm. Their work spans across categories such as television, films, radio, print and branded entertainment. Since inception, Ormax has built industry products in the areas of testing, tracking and forecasting key business variables, such as viewership and box office, among others. These products enable media & entertainment firms to take critical business decisions related to investment, strategy, branding, marketing and content. While a significant portion of our work entails primary consumer research, we see research as means, not the end in itself. You can learn more about Ormax media at their website.