The MPA partnered with the U.S. Embassy Kuala Lumpur today to host a special screening of The Super Mario Bros. Movie in celebration of World Intellectual Property (IP) Day. The event, themed “Women and IP: Accelerating innovation and creativity”, was held at GSC The Starling Mall. and was supported by KRU Media, Golden Screen Cinemas and Universal Pictures.
Judgments, especially of higher courts, are juggernauts capable of jamming future judgments of the lower courts (and sometimes even the similar stature courts). Aren’t they?
In celebration of World IP Day, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce outlines five ways copyright can encourage young people to express their creativity.
In India, the Media and Entertainment Industry (M&E) has been growing rapidly due to the rise in digitization, widespread access to the internet, content creation and audience demand. The increase in its growth rate has led to an increase in various legal issues as well.
The Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment (ACE), announced on 16 February 2022 they have shut down the entire operations of illegal IPTV service “TV Company” Ring. The subscription-based operator spanned multiple European countries offering hundreds of live, pirated channels across US and Europe, impacting a huge number of ACE members.
In India, art and restrictions often cross paths resulting in a constant struggle between freedom of expression and reasonable restrictions. As we enter into the 73rd year of adoption of the Constitution, acts of artistic expressions as subject of censorship are on a rise, reinstating the famous debate of attaining the ideal proportionality between freedoms and restrictions.
The Motion Picture Association (MPA) and the Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment (ACE) today announced the expansion of their current partnership with the National Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Center (IPR Center). By embedding MPA and ACE personnel to the team at the IPR Center in Washington D.C. and other resources to the expanded framework, the partnering organizations are able to further expand their collective content protection efforts.
“site blocking”, a widely used technique in many countries to disable access by consumers to offshore websites distributing illegal or infringing content. The presenter, Kristina Milbourn, is a senior lawyer at one of Canada’s large communications companies. What struck me in particular was her analogy to site blocking as being part of the necessary “rules of the road” for navigating the internet. I thought it was an insightful and creative way to present the issue. (See image above).
Unless you have been living in a cave, you will be well aware of Facebook’s current travails, fed by whistle-blower Frances Haugen’s explosive testimony about how Facebook researched but ignored findings that suggested the company’s algorithms were harming individual users by promoting content that kept them engaged—but at a cost to their mental wellbeing.
This seems to be the prevailing view these days amongst the large digital social media and search platforms when the results of algorithmic selections they have programmed turn out to yield undesirable results.
A fruitful discussion with NS Nappinai, a Supreme Court advocate & founder of Cyber Saathi, on the need for a robust policy and a legislative framework for the creative economy in the digital age.
Twitter appoints personnel in compliance of with new IT Rules.
“It predicted by a study from Gartner that by 2020, 85% of customer service interactions in retail will be powered or influenced by some form of AI technology. AI global revenue is predicted by market intelligence firm Tractica to skyrocket from $643.7 million in 2016 to $36.8 billion in 2025.”
In an order dated 25.05.2021, passed by the Government, PPL’s application for re-registration as a copyright society under Rule 47 of the Copyright Rules, 2013 was rejected. Rule 47 of the Copyright Rules, 2013 deals with Application and conditions for re-registration or renewal of existing copyright societies.
Throughout April 2021, the Global Innovation Policy Center hosted a series of events focused on ecosystems for innovation, creativity, and craftsmanship.
Thank you, Uday, and thank you, FICCI, for inviting me to Frames. It’s an honor to speak before such a vibrant […]
On March 30th, 2021, the Central Government notified the Copyright (Amendment) Rules, 2021.
One thing is certain. It is the creator of the artwork or music in an NFT who owns the copyright to the underlying work, not the purchaser unless the sale includes the sale of certain rights.
I am writing today to mark World IP Day, April 26 and, as part of this salute to the work being done in protecting IP rights around the world, to highlight a growing global problem affecting IP stakeholders, streaming piracy.