On 2nd June, 2023, TRAI issued a Direction under the Telecom Commercial Communication Customer Preference Regulations, 2018 (“TCCCPR”) to all the Access Providers (“APs”) to develop and deploy the Digital Consent Acquisition (“DCA”) facility. The DCA facility is a unified platform and process to register customers’ consent digitally across all service providers and Principal Entities (“PEs”) to curb spams through Unsolicited Commercial Communication (“UCC”) . A period of two months has been allocated for the development of the DCA facility and will be implementing the same in a phased manner.
Salient features of the Directive:
Our Take:
The Direction is a much needed development in light of the significant rise in UCC spam over the past few years. TRAI has been continuously engaged in developing measures aimed at curbing UCC, including the development of a Do Not Disturb application, as well as, constant efforts aimed at ensuring compliance with header and content registration requirements. It is pertinent to note that the TCCCPR has pre-existing obligations for APs to develop/cause to develop an ecosystem to regulate the delivery of the commercial communications, including the facility to record consents of the subscribers acquired by the senders for sending commercial communication, maintenance of complete and accurate records of the consents and revocation of consent by its subscribers, in furtherance of which the consent records will be updated. Further, it is also the obligation of APs to ensure that no commercial communication is made to any recipient, except as per the preferences or digitally registered consents registered in accordance with the TCCCPR. Accordingly, this Direction will be a step further in providing APs with the ability to verify such consents and will be extremely beneficial for subscribers at large.
The Direction will be implemented phase-wise, with the first phase pertaining to only subscriber-initiated consent acquisition and subsequent steps will include PE initiated consent acquisition as well.
This article was first published on Saikrishna&Associates